
Photo organizer.

Write relative foldertree to current textfile with foldernames.

Nederlandse site
Nederlandse site.

Refresh  or create folder list. If you have chosen the rootfolder for your (new) foldersystem for you photo collection or when you have added new subfolders in it or have deleted subfolders from it, this function is very usefull for you.
Just choose the folder in which you want to place all subfolders with photos by clicking on the long button with the foldername on it and press ok. Photo organizer will write all existing foldernames in the folder text file in your currently used textfile folder.
If that list file already existed, you can decide what to do with it by choosing one of the radiobuttons. Delete the old content or add all the foldernames to it.

Folder list complete and new. After you have pressed and Photo organizer is ready with writing all of those foldernames you see this results window in which you can see how many folders there are now in your folder list text file.

Other functions dialogbox. Copy photos to folder / delete superfluous photos from csv. rename photos, write data and/or shift time in photos in folder. (or a set of folders.) Extract thumbnails and/or remove tables from photos in a folder or a set of folders. Search for copies in a folder or in a set of folders. Create csv file from metadata from all photos in a folder or in a list with folders. Write metadata from csv file in all photos in a folder. Write metadata from screen in all photos in a folder. Change, create or combine text and/or csv files. Write exif time as iptc time and/or name of photos in photos and/or swap comment. Write relative foldertree to current textfile with foldernames. Use metadata in photos to select photos for a slidesow.
Clicking on any of the buttons on this picture brings you directly to that page of the explanation. Or you can go back to the start of the main page or back to other functions on the main page.

Or you can go back to where you came from.

Hans van der Hoeven
Liesbospark 28
4813 HV Breda
The Netherlands
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© 2015, Hans van der Hoeven
URL: www.photoorganizer.nl
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